TK Print Photoshop Plugin

The new free Photoshop plugin TK Print provides a step process to enhance your printing process.

Recently released is TK Print, a free Photoshop plugin that is a must for anyone who wants to have quality prints.  Along with offering this free plugin, the collaborating author, Sean Bagshaw is offering a free set of training videos.  Both of these are downloadable on the author’s website TK Tony Kuyper Photo or Sean Bagshaw Outdoor Exposure Photography website.

This plugin fills the printing gap in Photoshop offering users a logical step process to provide soft proofs, test output alternatives in intent and on various papers, adjust color, and fix problems before printing.   To more simply explain the reasons to have this plugin, just take a moment to watch Sean Bagshaw’s YouTube video A Better Way To Print With Photoshop.  Then do the download to get better prints, whether it goes to your calibrated color printer or sent off to a professional print service. 

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