Deanna Dikeman’s Leaving and Waving Story

"Leaving and Waving" is more that a story of family photos, but about a pursuit of a photographer's endeavors to gain recognition of a story.

Our February club meeting featured a wonderful presentation by Deanna Dikeman, who recanted her story of a long term photographic project titled as Leaving and Waving.  From an incidental captivating picture of her mother and father waving goodbye at the conclusion of her visit to her family, which is the featured photo became a 27 year habit of documenting her departures from these visits.

Her amazing story restated in her presentation covered her photographic career and how she realized that she could build a compelling collection around documenting her farewell from visits to her parents.  What was of particular interesting was how she found funding through fellowships and grants.  Another interesting tidbit was how this collection of images gained notoriety in Europe following The New Yorker’s March 2020 article A Photographer’s Parents Wave Farewell.

For those that missed this presentation, it is worth checking out her website and the aforementioned magazine article.

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Information provided in this blog was provided by a club member

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